King Benjamin

Keeping the commandments is required of us there is no declaring yourself free from them. Salvation is a different aspect. it is not earned by keeping the commands but it is given for our faith to save us from our shortcomings and failures to keep the commands of God.

Side By Side Study

According to the promise made in 2 Nephi 3:12 we can use the Book of Mormon and Bible to confound false doctrine. These two books should be the standard to all that we believe. In the Book of Mormon Scripture Challenge Episodes I only use those two books to look at doctrine.

In this Post I will attach some side by side verses of the King James Bible with our extra biblical scriptures. I also put original versions side by side with current.

All throughout the history of the church Joseph received Revelation the first published book of these revelations was called the Book of Commandments in 1833. In 1835 a new version came out that was called the Doctrine and Covenants. as the years progressed new revelations have been added to this book. This link is a comparison between the Two Books.

The first translation Joseph started after the Book of Mormon was the Bible. Of these translations the first to come about is the Book of Moses. Most changes are small and found in the JST such as the Book of Revelations. There is also JST Matthew.

The Book of Abraham was a book inspired by papyri found and purchased by the church in 1835. These Chapters can be compared to chapters 11, 12, then 1 and 2 from Genesis as well as other verses from the Book of Mormon and Bible.

These Side By Sides came from my personal studies in 2018. I have removed my commentary from them so that it is only the verses that I placed together.